What To Look For When Hiring A Paranormal Team

When you are dealing with a possible haunted house or business, it can be overwhelming trying to find a paranormal team. Just like any other service you would hire to come into your home or business, you need to know how to vet a paranormal team to know they have yours and your family’s or your business’ best interest at heart. These are some tips and things to look out for when hiring a paranormal team.  Continue reading What To Look For When Hiring A Paranormal Team

What Is Ethical Ghost Hunting: What To Wear

What does what you wear to an investigation have to do with ethical ghost hunting? Well, actually quite a bit. Not only do you want to dress in a way that won’t offend the client or the spirits, but you also don’t want to create the frustration that comes when reviewing footage and team members have to try to rule out if they are seeing something paranormal or something caused by a team member’s clothing choice. Continue reading What Is Ethical Ghost Hunting: What To Wear

Making Some Spooky Plans

Things are getting exciting around here despite COVID trying to ruin things. I hope that y’all aren’t being affected by COVID and that life is starting to return somewhat to normal. Here in central Illinois, somethings are returning to a vague sense of normal and other things are going backwards. Places downtown are going back to outdoor seating only, and more businesses are enforcing the mask rules (which I appreciate). Continue reading Making Some Spooky Plans

What Is Ethical Ghost Hunting: Before The Investigation

Something y’all have heard me talk about before is ethical ghost hunting. Ethical ghost hunting is a way to interact with the spirits, a location, and the owners without causing issues for anyone involved. But there is more to it than just how to behave while on the investigation. Continue reading What Is Ethical Ghost Hunting: Before The Investigation

I’m Not Ready For You!!!

From the time I woke up this morning, I knew something was off. My phone was just about dead because even though I plugged in the cord, the cord came unplugged from the wall. Then when I went to go shower, I noticed my conditioner had leaked all over everything in the shower rack. I thought it was just a couple of little hiccups and was ready to move on. Continue reading I’m Not Ready For You!!!